In light of motherhood and Scripture, I’ve come to find humility and patience go hand in hand. Here are 3 reasons why:
The Humble Mom Waits Patiently
Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. Ecclesiastes 7:8
Being a mother certainly has its rough days! With poopy diapers flying everywhere, siblings squabbling over a toy, and whiny hands tugging on clothes in the middle of dinner prep – the mommy life can be crazy.
Yet there’s grace in knowing the difficult madness of “the beginning” leads to a beautiful end. Through the Lord’s mercy and your devoted discipleship, these tiny toddlers can grow into honorable men and women. We only have to wait, treasuring the present joys as they pass by.
Parenthood takes patience. Patience is closely tied to humility, because the humble are willing to wait upon God. They aren’t desperate for a quick fix or problem-free existence with their kids; forcing their own happiness like the proud.
The humble know God has lessons to teach them in every developmental stage, in every season’s struggles, with every child’s personality, for a reason. (Romans 8:28-29)
“Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.” -CS Lewis Share on XIn the hustle and bustle of nursing, wiping tears, and disciplining, we can humbly and patiently wait for what’s next, with no need to rush.
We can wait as God stretches their little arms and legs, as well as their minds and hearts. We wait to see how He will use them for His glory, staying faithful the whole way.
The Humble Mom Bears Patiently
“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:1-3
How do we bear with our children in love, even in their most unloveable moments?
This Scripture says by exercising humility, gentleness, and patience.
But that’s hard, right? Easy to want to do, but so troublesome in practice because of our sinful hearts. We’re so quick to become angry, to vent our frustration, to become impatient when our kids disobey, struggle, or are bothersome.
This anger arises from a selfish and prideful heart, one that wants what’s best for self.
But God has a higher calling, one that leads to love. Being humble before Him, and serving as He did.
Remember that Christ humbly came to save you in this corrupt world. He treats you with gentle forgiveness when you sin. He patiently waits for you to repent day after day. He came not to be served, but to serve, and give His life for many.
He is humility and gentleness and patience personified, and you are to be like Him.
We as parents are to reflect Christ to our children.
Every time your son or daughter’s behavior is wearing you down, remember that God the Father is patient with you in your darkest and neediest moments, and pay it forward.
Serve, and serve patiently! This, as the Apostle Paul says above, leads to peace for all.
The Humble Mom Trusts Patiently
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices! Psalm 37:7
Be still. How many times do you actually do that? Even if you don’t literally sit motionlessly, is your heart still from the anxieties of motherhood?
The humble mom knows that God is ultimately in control of her children’s lives, and thus prays and does not fret herself. As you wait upon God to help your child, wait in patient trust.
Our journey as mothers is only as powerful as our willingness to trust Him with our kids' hearts. Share on XPatient trust is taking pleasure in His nearness, and letting that sustain you. It’s marveling at His everyday blessings, and opening yourself to the plans He has for your families.
It’s knowing that at the end of the day the fruit of our mothering work is determined by His hand.
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Hang it in your home to help you pray through the mentioned verses throughout the day.
This is the last part in the Humility Series. For more reading:
Great thoughts on how humility affects our children. It’s is so true that the most humble and patient parent is GOD! When we are humble and patient we are showing our children what God is like. This is something God has recently been helping me put into practice more. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Yes, He is such a loving Father – and so, so patient with us! Thank you for reading!
Lord knows I need me some patience! Pinning this.
Hahah amen, me too! Thanks for pinning, I hope the verses are encouraging!
Humility is a lost virtue in our world today. Thanks for reminding us how important it can be to the role of parenting.
I agree! Humility is little thought of, but God values it so tremendously! You’re welcome, thank you for visiting!
Be still. How many times do you actually do that? Even if you don’t literally sit motionlessly, is your heart still from the anxieties of motherhood?”
I loved this! Even if we aren’t allowed to be still because we’re so busy being mom, we can make sure that our hearts are still! Thank you for the encouragement today! I’m visiting you over from By His Grace!
Yes, even if it’s just a moment of praying to the Lord in surrender and trust, we can be still and rest in the peace of Christ! Thank you for reading and your encouragement too!
This is so beautiful and encouraging, Dani 🙂 It’s so good to remember the work God is committed to doing in my character to focus on that – I know my children will benefit too.
Thank you, Elizabeth, God is so faithful in teaching us! And so true – as we grow in Him, we grow in our ability to disciple our kids. 🙂
Love love love this printable! I’m printing one for myself and I am sharing on FB. As a mamma of toddlers, patience is something I run out of quickly and it is so helpful to have scripture right in front of me to keep me focused on the big picture.
Great, Stephanie! Praying these Scripture-led prayers bless your walk with the Lord as you minister to your kiddos! 🙂
Needed this today!!!! Thank you for writing this out.
Thank you very much ,it really starts by being humble and trusting God.