When thinking on Scriptures about womanhood, one particular line has always stood out in my mind – when God describes how a woman can be precious in His sight.
“Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear—but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.” 1 Peter 3:3-4
There’s tenderness to these verses. It’s a sweet note that reveals how we as women can please our Heavenly Father—through our character.
Inside this little definition of godly womanhood there are no commandments for action or requirements for what activities to do, but rather a proper attitude of reverence.
In context, Peter is directing this Word to wives, but all of us can glean wisdom from such a delightful description. God loves women with inner beauty. It’s about the heart hidden inside – the spirit that is imperishable.
God loves women with inner beauty. May we cultivate it through His Word. Share on X
God’s picture of womanhood – while lovely – is not always easy for me. My natural tendencies go against what He desires, like when I doubt my husband or panic at the slightest change in plans. Thank the Lord that His mercy renews each morning.
If we keep pursuing to walk with the Spirit, confessing our sin and cherishing the grace offered at His throne, He is faithful to shape us into Christlike women.
“He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:24
Come take a closer look at what this inner beauty is. Pray over what God seeks for us as we seek to be His daughters in Christ. As you’ll see, all the qualities are interconnected through faith.
1. Gentleness
The Greek word for “gentle” in this passage means mildness of disposition, or meekness. This is not to be confused with passivity, but to be understood as a humility of spirit that comes from trust in God’s goodness. This is the same word Jesus used when He said “blessed are those who are meek, for they will inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5).
A woman of gentleness recognizes that every element of life can be used by the Spirit to grow her in Christ, and so refuses to be hardened by hardship. She responds to others in deference, kindness, and love, knowing Christ has shown her the same grace. Her heart is softened toward others, looking to extend compassion.
2. Quietness
Nearly synonymous with gentleness, this word denotes being “peaceable.” It suggests inner tranquility. When we are serene in God’s salvation, we exhibit gracious behavior. Rather than stirring up strife or calling for attention, the “quiet” woman is secure in God’s love. She serves Him and her home without grumbling. Having confidence in the Lord, she reacts to life thoughtfully and with self-control.
Moving past verse 4, more qualities appear in 5 and 6.
“For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening.” 1 Peter 3:5-6
3. Hope
We can have a gentle and quiet heart because we hope in Jesus, knowing He will soon return. Even if others fail, the godly woman knows her God does not. She entrusts herself to Him, and takes Him at His Word. Christ and His promises are the foundation of her heart and home. The hope of heaven is so real to her, giving her a warmth and strength that inspires her family and neighbors.
Following the footsteps of the biblical matriarchs, this hope leads us to respect and submit to the authorities God has placed in our lives – whether it be our parents, husband, or spiritual mentors. Through this obedience we take steps closer to what He has promised.
[Learn more about Sarah in the post: 7 Quotes By Biblical Women That Will Inspire You]
4. Faithfulness
This is perhaps the most difficult – we are instructed to “do good.” It seems so simple, and yet such a calling involves the daily grind of self-denial and selflessness for our homes and ministries.
Faithfulness must define our character—not daydreams, secret sins, or selfish ambition. These are the easy temptations in our world of instant gratification and feminism. Instead, let us put on good works – ones that may not have fireworks but bring joy to our servant-hearted Savior. From diaper-changing to praying for our husband to crying with a friend, we can be holy women who bring God’s Word to life.
5. Fearlessness
Finally, we can be courageous in the Lord, in all things. The world equates being fearless with being a risk-taker, but the Bible provides a definition of greater substance and significance.
Because Christ has freed us from sin and shame, we can walk confidently before God the Father. As His redeemed daughters, we can always find refuge in Him and like the Proverbs 31 woman are without fear of the future, because He is steadfast and is on our side. There’s no fear of failure or misfortune, because we know He can carry us through any trial. He, and He alone, is enough.
All of these behaviors bless our husbands and our homes, our churches and friends, but most of all our Lord. May we be precious in His sight as we live in His grace!
Love how you described that the Lord wants our external to be based off of our internal. All 5 characteristics are so important for us to have a woman. These characteristics will build us up as a wife and mother more than we can imagine. Great post as usual Dani!!
Yes! We often hear “what’s on the inside is what counts,” but it’s neat to see what exactly God desires of us as wives and mothers. Thank you for visiting, Carmen!
I love this! This is so challenging to me – it’s great to see gentleness and fearlessness put together. It’s wonderful hearing what God desires for us and his commitment to accomplish it 🙂
It is challenging for sure! God knows we women need encouragement to trust Him and let that change our hearts. And that is also really neat to think about how with the Lord gentleness and fearlessness work together!
Love this list and am challenged by ALL of them but especially quietness. May there be more of Him and less of me! Thanks!
Me too! Praying the same thing. Thank you for reading, Elaine! 🙂
Am so inspired by these thanks Ma
So simple yet so challenging. Thanks Dani! ❤️
Thank you for reading, Beba! <3
I love this post, Dani. Our culture puts so much emphasis on the outer appearance, especially of women. It’s so refreshing and scriptural to read your words of focus on our inner qualities as women. And the only way to cultivate inner beauty is through the Word as you state. Blessings!
I felt so much peace reading this article. You may not understand but your words have really touched me.
Praise the Lord, Belema. That is my hope and prayer – to uplift and free women from burdens by sharing truth from God’s Word. Praying you hold onto God’s peace and grow as you look to be a godly woman. God bless!
I agree, Karen. Our society focuses on outer beauty and productivity, but God has such a deeper design for us. Thank you for stopping by! 🙂
This post is so warmly written. I can feel the closeness of the Lord in your life Dani! And I’m sure these 5 desires you are striving to live by. Thanks for the reminders sister!
Aw, thank you Sue! I do pray to have these 5 qualities, even though I often fail. Thankfully God restores us, and helps us to encourage others in the process. Blessings, sister!
Wow, exceptional! What a beautiful post, it is challenging, but also comforting. We do not have to live up to what culture expects from us because God has other plans for women and there is pure joy in His desires! If only we can die to self, thank you for this reminder!
Thank you for always giving encouraging words, LeNae! You are such a sweet sister in Christ. I love how you said there’s “pure joy” in His desires. What a beautiful truth! Praying we can die to self each day and let Christ fill us with purpose.
That gentleness and quietness though!!!! Lord Jesus!! I’m still a work in progress. We all are. May God help us grow in these qualities.
I know! Both are so tough, yet so beautiful. May we pursue them faithfully and depend on the Spirit!
Thank you for sharing this Dani. As someone who has always been outspoken and loud at times, I prayerfully and consistently ask for God to do a work in me so that I can have a gentle and quiet spirit. That even though I can still speak about what’s on my heart, it’s the way that I present myself and the matter to my husband and other people that show that I am walking in fear of the Lord. Amen!
I have the tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve, too! Like you said, we can speak but most do so with self-control, purpose, and ultimately fear of the Lord. Praying right along with you sister!
These are so important in God’s economy, but so lost our culture. Thanks for drawing attention to them!
Totally! We have to keep going back to His Word when the world tries to tell us the opposite. Thanks for reading Tiffany! 🙂
Great post, and I shared your graphic on Pinterest. Glad to find this list of godly attributes!
Thank you Sarah! I appreciate your visit! 🙂
What a great post and beautiful reminders. The idea of women being gentle and quiet has become so misunderstood in our culture! And it takes so much strength and courage to have hope and faith and fearlessness without attempting to control! Thank you for the post!
It keeps me in praise to think God created us to be both gentle and strong, quiet and courageous – what a wonderful God we serve. Thank you for reading Melissa!
I came across this and it blessed me while I’m going thru breast cancer. My marriage of course is being challenged… the wonderful way God sees us women is a great reminder to me. Thank You for this it’s much needed in my life.
This is a sweet, sweet revelation of how God sees me.
Thank you.
God’s design for us as women is so, so sweet. Praise Him this encouraged your heart. Blessings, sister!
Thank you so much for this blog.
I was really blessed by reading it, especially the way you depicted how God see us as women.
God bless you x
Praise God, Eniola! He dearly loves us and has such a beautiful plan for us as women. God bless!
Thank you for this post… really loved it. Karima from Algeria
God’s desires for us are not tedious. If we depend on His Spirit, we will accomplish all that is in the heart of the Father.
There’s a better sure way of adornment for women. God is our strength.
Thanks for sharing. I was richly blessed.
I especially liked your thoughts on faithfulness. Thanks for sharing.
I’m reconnecting with my life as a woman and stay at home mom after a difficult personal journey and found this really inspiring. I’m working on finding the right times to be gentle and when to be strong because my bold personality often gets my into trouble, mainly with my interpersonal relationships. These are good reminders.
Wonderful thanks I’m a work in progress and I know that God made me read this because he knows what I’m going through and he knows just what I need. Thanks I appreciate this so much
A Godly woman cannot be like a worldly woman, there must be a distinction. The world looks at the outer beauty but God looks at the inner beauty that is brought about by all the qualities you have mentioned from the word of God. I agree is challenging to walk daily in these qualities but that’s where Holy Spirit comes in…plus thank God for renewing us when we go to him in repentance. Thank you Danielle for illustrating these qualities so simply. Blessing
I love waking up every morning and doing my devotional time , thank you so much for being a part of it.
I’ve been praying about becoming a deeper woman of Christ and this just really helped . Thank You
Hey Dani,
I completely agree with all these great points. However, I absolutely love the fact you pointed out quietness and fearlessness. There are many Christian women who do not understand the importance of these two.
Fear will hold us from fulfilling our true potential. Also, women who are loud, gossiping, and stirring up strife will very soon cause issues in a marriage or any other organization.
Anyway, thanks again for this list!
Thanks you for giving me fresh insight into what God desires for us as women.
What a beautiful post. What resonated with me the most is when you said there are no commandments for action or requirements for what activities to do. That’s such different thinking than the world. Thanks for these beautiful reminders.
Thank you for writing this. I long to grow into the woman that God wants me to be.
What an inspiring post! I sometimes don’t know if I am pleasing the Lord. This is a source of anxiety for me. But scripture is clear how to please Him! If we measure up to what the Word says, we know our hearts are close to the Father’s. Thank you for writing this.
Your post inspired me to take a step back and do a self-check. Thank you for being led to write an inspirational blog. I pray that God blesses you for blessing us. I know that God has big plans for you to grow in Him. Keep being inspired by the Lord to write more blogs that inspire us women, we need more women like you to step out and talk about real womanhood and what the Lord expects of us as women. I have been studying the roles of women myself, and it is encouraging to see womanhood being talked about how God views us and expects us to live like Godly women.
So simple and beautiful. I love this quote, “God loves women with inner beauty. May we cultivate it through His Word.”