View Christ’s amazing set of promises in Revelation in my guest post on Growing Up Gorgeous. (Preview below.)
Diaper change number four. BEEP! Good, laundry load number 2 finished. BUZZ. Text: “What’s for dinner?” Sigh. Well it’s thirty minutes until nap-time, so soon I can figure that out, and maybe wipe down the kitchen. Wait, isn’t church Bible study tonight? I haven’t done the homework! I’ll have to scan it on the drive over.
All too easily my mind falls into this thinking—what I call “calculator mode”—as I seek to squeeze in each task as it comes. My perspective for the day almost turns mechanical, defined by a list of chores that must be done with hurried, machine-like productivity.
Though all the clothes are clean, food is on the table, and the baby well-rested, there’s the potential for my own heart to feel spiritually dusty, hungry, and weary. The day God has so wonderfully given in some sense feels like a waste. Why?
I may have outwardly fulfilled my responsibilities, but I overlooked the opportunities to joyfully work unto God, to delight in my faith in Jesus.
As busy moms, we can fly through our to-do list without pausing to reflect on its heavenly purpose. We can miss chances to praise the Lord through song during chores, to share Him with our kids in moments of learning, to rely upon His wisdom in our daily dilemmas. We can even question the point of it all, succumbing to discontentment.
Don't fly through your to-do list without pausing to reflect on its heavenly purpose. Share on X
That’s the danger of “calculator mode”—living with a tiring temporary perspective, rather than a vibrant eternal one. What do I mean by an eternal perspective?
Continue reading my guest post at Growing Up Gorgeous…
Growing up Gorgeous exists to establish a community of diverse women in the South Jersey area who support, exhort and encourage one another along the journey of motherhood. It seeks to build genuine relationships with other mothers through local chapters and online.
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