“There is never an excuse for joylessness—our salvation is so precious.”
On the church stage a young woman proclaimed this with tears and conviction in her eyes. Her husband and children have faced death multiple times due to a rare, crippling medical condition. And yet, she poured out her heart, sharing the secret to hope in a life full of pain.
My heart was in awe over her assertion of Christ’s goodness, over her very evident and firm faith.
She went on to say, “In the midst of these trials, I’m thankful that God loves us enough to make us further into the image of Christ.”
This truth rocked me.
She was thankful. Thankful for the trial, thankful for each day, because God is there and God saves. Thankful that God’s love brings meaning to every struggle, because we are pushed closer to Christ.
As Thanksgiving Day approaches, this reminded me of why Scripture emphasizes that believers should rejoice with gratitude. We give thanks not only because of possessions, good health, or family, but because of the redeeming work of Christ.
Continual thanksgiving is rooted in celebrating Christ’s redemption. Share on XWe wake up each morning, and no matter what trouble or triumph lies before us, one thing remains: Jesus.
Our salvation bought by His blood gives us a living hope that is imperishable (1 Peter 1:3-4). Through faith, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead will raise us too (Romans 8:11).
Jesus is the indescribable gift we not only receive at belief but each day if we consciously and worshipfully remember (2 Corinthians 9:15).
We can’t forget that He accomplished everything for us. Christ gave us salvation—the one thing that even if we were destitute in every other way would complete us, satisfy us, and grant us eternal hope. Nothing can separate us from His love.
We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37 Share on XThis brought me to Colossians 1:11-14, a beautiful passage describing the Gospel. As we meditate on its truth, our hearts can sing with thanksgiving every single day.
He Qualified Us
“May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience, with joy giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the saints’ inheritance in the light.” Colossians 1:11-12 (HCSB)
Strength, endurance, and patience are in ample supply to one person—the one who has been made righteous by Christ. The word “enabled” in verse 12, also translated as “qualified,” means “to authorize or empower.”
Without Jesus we are far, far, far from being worthy of heaven. Our future was dim, destroyed by the heavy, condemning nature of our sin. But God, through the sufficient sacrifice of His Son, qualifies us to receive a marvelous inheritance instead.
With Him we are named a saint, as one who intimately knows the Father and lives in the blessed light of divine truth. We have been chosen to experience God’s glory forever.
Remember that, my friend. Though before unworthy, you have a specific portion of heaven waiting for you—all due to the loving work of Christ.
Thank you Jesus!
He Delivered Us
“He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son He loves.” Colossians 1:13 (HCSB)
Just the other day I watched Sleeping Beauty with my daughter, admiring the prince as he valiantly slashed through Maleficent’s fiery attacks to restore the princess to life.
This vivid imagery came to mind when the word “rescue” appeared in verse 13, and yet it does not come close to what Jesus achieved at the cross.
The story, the good news of Christ is an elaborate tale of love spun since Genesis 1. Skipping forward to just the Gospels, we see the Son of God condescend by coming to earth, defying the evil of every temptation, healing countless, and at the climax being separated from His Father while every sting of sin blazed upon Him as He took God’s wrath in place of us.
The Son of God suffered to bring forth glory.
Then, affirming Himself through the resurrection, He granted everyone who believes a glorious salvation far beyond what can be found in a fantasy novel. It’s a happily ever after we can’t even begin to imagine.
Jesus plucked us from the wickedness that so deeply gripped us, and brought us into His eternal Kingdom of safety, joy, purity, and love.
This Kingdom awaits us in its fullness, and it is the Kingdom of Christ. Where else would we want to be?
Thank you Jesus!
He Forgave Us
“We have redemption, the forgiveness of sins, in Him.” Colossians 1:14 (HCSB)
How often during the week or day do you treasure that you are fully forgiven? This in itself is at the heart of thanksgiving – knowing that God throws every one of our wrongs into the depths of the sea (Micah 7:19).
In Jesus, we can stand in God’s presence, our heart pure and clean. Someday we will wear the white robes of the redeemed, as those who have been forgiven through the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 7:9.)
This clear conscience, this cleansed soul, is a gift we can never take for granted. The compassion of our Creator has made us new, and no matter today’s mishaps or miseries we can be bold in thankfulness, knowing our heart is right before the throne of God.
Thank you Jesus!
Write these verses or even these three truths down, sister. Place them by your bedside, or on the inside cover of your Bible.
Pray this Thanksgiving and every morning, thank you Jesus, you have qualified, rescued, and forgiven me. I am Yours, and You will carry me to my inheritance.
Misty says
We have so much to be thankful for!! Thank you for sharing three reasons our hearts should sing with Thanksgiving!
Blessings, Misty
Dani Munoz says
You’re welcome, Misty! All glory be to Him! Have a blessed Thanksgiving. 🙂
Jerri says
Thank you Dani for sharing! I am qualified, rescued and forgiven! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!
Dani Munoz says
Amen! What a wonderful salvation we have in Him!
Christine says
Thanks for sharing Dani. God is good, ALL the time. Such great truth in what you have shared!
Dani Munoz says
Yes – ALL the time! Thanks for stopping by Christine! 🙂
Cheryl Sanders says
Dani, please continue your ministry with faith that you are touching lives. I am currently reading your ‘Psalms’ series every morning. This process helps keeps me grounded and focused as I make my way through sometimes frustrating, discouraging and chaotic days. I am often overwhelmed with my failures to live as Christ each day – your lessons help me re-start each day as a new beginning. Thank you, and may God bless you with continued wisdom and insight as you minister to us.
P.S. Would you consider doing a series about the different names of God that are used in the Bible? They each reveal a different aspect of His being. I would love to study that!
Dani Munoz says
Thank you Cheryl! This brings such joy and praise in my heart. Also, I sent you an email regarding your suggestion. 🙂 Blessings, sister!
Anne | onedeterminedlife says
We have so much to be thankful for. Once I start thinking of everything God has done for me, I am overwhelmed by who He is and what He has done. It’s so amazing.
Dani Munoz says
I know! I am overwhelmed by His love in the same way. Thank you for visiting, Anne!
Manolito says
Beautiful blog post.
“in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18