Without Christ, we can find ourselves in a prison. Not the one with bars and chains, but one that traps our heart behind walls of anxiety, confusion, pride, and idolatry.
This prison is never more real than when we try to please others or ourselves, rather than the wonderful God who created us. When our priorities are set on human approval and pleasure instead of heavenly, we may experience momentary satisfaction but a richer and permanent sense of peace evades us.
People-pleasing had such a tight grip on me before Jesus, to the point that I wavered in sin for far too long hoping I would be seen as successful in others’ eyes.
Even when my heart wasn’t set on building my reputation, I thought I could find fulfillment in superficial things like travel. I’m so thankful everyday that the Lord released me from such imprisonment!
This week I’m sharing these reflections of God’s grace, because Lois of Live Nourished is sharing my personal testimony of faith on her blog. Using the slogan, “Ingest the Word. Impact the world.”, Lois’s heart is to impart lessons from Scripture on her beautiful and truth-filled website, in order to share the Good News and equip women to live biblically.
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