Hello dear writer!
Thank you for your interest in sharing on Free Indeed! This online ministry aims to encourage women in Christ through biblical truth, specifically about living a life of faith, godly womanhood, marriage, motherhood, and homemaking.
If you haven’t already, please take the time to familiarize with the style of Free Indeed posts. Consider the guidelines below, and email danilivingfreeindeed@gmail.com introducing yourself and with the post topic you have in mind, and we’ll go from there!
Guest Post Guidelines:
Post must be original work – the post should not be published anywhere else previously or in the future unless its contents have been reworked. (Having duplicate content penalizes both sites via search engines.)
The day the guest post is released you may put a snippet of it on your blog directing your readers where they can read the whole post.
Please always base your points on Scripture. Free Indeed strongly adheres to reformed doctrine and proper interpretation of the Bible. To learn more about our beliefs see the bottom of my About page.
We strongly prefer using the NASB, ESV, or CSB translations, but are open to others if helpful to the point you’re making.
Post must be 700+ words.
Please don’t be upset if we recommend changes – we want you to be successful!
Post may be edited for grammar or clarity.
For copyright purposes, we will create all graphics used in the post. By submitting your post for publication you grant permission for this blog to use that content in any form.
Give your post an attention-grabbing title – try using words like what, why, when, how-to and/or use a number in the beginning if at all possible.
Make post easy to scan – break paragraphs up (2-4 sentences per paragraph). Use bold type to draw out important points. Use bullet points and numbered lists where necessary.
Include a brief bio with your submission – include a headshot of yourself attached to your email, and the bio can link back to your blog.
You may include two additional links in your post that go back to related content on your own site.
Thanks, and again, please email danilivingfreeindeed@gmail.com with further questions or to submit a post topic!