In this guest piece by Emily Myrick she reminds us that our marriage is intended to reflect the glory of God through steadfast love. I admire her passion to encourage women in the Word, especially when it comes to being a godly wife. Though we haven’t met, her enthusiasm for things of the Lord is so evident and I’m happy to share her writing with you! Also be sure to check out her Bible study about Marriage and the Gospel!
From as far back as I remember, I longed to be a wife.
Whenever my elementary school friends and I played house, I always had to be the mother.
There was just something about the love of a husband and wife that I so dearly wanted for myself.
The thing is, I think women intuitively desire marriage because from the beginning of time God said it was not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18).
God gives His people the desire to mirror Him, to display his glory to the world.
In marriage, women hold a unique role in mirroring something much larger than themselves.
In preparing for my own marriage, I’ve come to realize that this “something larger” is the gospel.
A Relationship Sealed With a Promise
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.“ (Ephesians 5:31-32, ESV)
In the Old Testament of the Bible we see how God made a covenant – a relationship sealed with an eternal promise – with His people in order to have a safe relationship with them.
If they didn’t live by the law and offer sacrifices to atone for their sins, they would be consumed completely by the Holy Lord.
When we look to Jesus in the New Testament, we see God’s promise of the new covenant (Hebrews 7:22) made possible by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross – the atoning sacrifice we all need, finished, once and for all.
It is by repenting (turning from a life defined by sin) and believing Jesus is our only righteousness that we are able to enter into this covenant with God.
We learn in the New Testament that Jesus is the bridegroom to His eternal bride – the Church. (See Revelation 19:7) In earthly marriage, husbands are chosen to represent Jesus’ role as the bridegroom, and wives are chosen to represent the Church’s role as the bride (see Ephesians 5:25-27).
The new covenant brought to life by Jesus is what earthly marriage was meant to represent all along.
This is a very serious calling every married couple has the privilege and honor to live out.
Marked By Unconditional Love
In this world, we have an enemy whose main wish is to deceive us into believing any way other than God’s perfect plan is better (see Genesis 3:2-5, John 10:10).
Oftentimes, spouses who’re tempted to leave their pledged believe the lie that love is nothing but a feeling. If they don’t “feel” love for their spouse, then it must not be right.
But over and over in Scripture, God shows us that love isn’t just a feeling, it’s also an action.
And, love isn’t just an action, but love is God himself.
Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. (1 John 4:8, ESV)
You see, we can’t truly give love without receiving it first from God (see 1 John 4:19).
And since God is love, and God loved us while we were unlovable, we can only conclude that God desires for us to love; even when we don’t feel it in the moment (Romans 5:8, John 13:34-35).
A marriage defined by the love of God and not just by the “feeling” kind of love is a marriage that represents the gospel.
Gospel love is world-changing in a culture where so many are confused about what love truly is. Share on XRemaining Eternally Focused in Marriage
And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:12, ESV)
Serving your spouse, loving sacrificially, remaining faithful through all of life’s temptations – marriage isn’t easy.
But there’s one thing that can empower you to withstand all of life’s trials, both in marriage and otherwise.
Jesus Christ is the center rope of marriage’s representation of the threefold cord (see Colossians 1:17).
The Holy Spirit leads us past our selfishness into sanctification, enabling us to have Christ-centered and gospel-focused marriages.
I believe realizing marriage represents the gospel can help the single girl not idolize her dream of marriage. I believe remembering this can give the weary wife encouragement to keep going.
That is why I created a FREE Bible Study Guide on this very topic: 7 Ways Marriage Reflects the Gospel.
I hope that remembering marriage is a part of something bigger than yourself will encourage you to continue seeking the Lord in your daily duties as a woman, whether you’re preparing for marriage or have been a wife for many years!
Get your FREE workbook on the theology of marriage over at Emily’s blog,
Thank you so much for the Words of encouragement, through Bible Verses. I am trying to have a closer relationship with God, knowing that in all the evil in this world around me it will bring a better understanding and bring a spiritual peace in my soul.